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 ©2013 US Collegiate Development LLC. The shield logo and Jakl logo are trademarks of US Collegiate Development LLC.

9 Reservoir Road
Hanover, NH 03755

(321) 480-3429




US Collegiate Development camps / clinics are competitive rugby environments. Participants should be prepared physically and mentally for some strenuous play. Camps are similar to a college team's pre-season training program. It is designed for serious players looking to improve and prepare themselves to play beyond the high school level. 


All campers are expected to participate in and be punctual to all sessions unless certified injured / sick by the camp trainer. Injured players must continue to attend all sessions unless otherwise advised by the trainer. This will enable players to get as much out of their experience as possible.
Campers are expected to dress in appropriate rugby attire as instructed by the camp directors and coaching staff.
Mouth-guards are mandatory, players not wearing them will not be allowed to participate in any training sessions.
Campers and staff are guests of Dartmouth College and are expected to behave accordingly both on and off the field.

Medical Release Requirement

All participants are required to read and sign a Medical Release. This is included in the Participation form that is required of all clinic / camp participants. 

Concussion Information Requirement

All participants are required to read and agree to the Concussion Information Sheet

Media, Photo, and Video Release Requirement

All participants are required to read and sign a Media, Photo/Video Release. This is included in the Participation form that is required of all clinic / camp participants. 

Refunds / COVID

Camp enrollment fees are refundable 50% up to 90 DAYS BEFORE the event start date. There are no refunds for cancellations if closer to 90 days before event start date, with the exception of COVID related conditions. In the event that an injury prevents participation, a 50% credit voucher towards enrollment in another US Collegiate event will be issued with an adequate doctor’s note. If an injury occurs during the camp there is no refund.

Our program is planning on taking place in person. It may be canceled or switched to virtual based on COVID conditions at the time of the program. Dartmouth is currently developing policies which will be in place during the program. We are happy to register you now and willing to cancel your registration if you have concerns once the policy is in place.


US Collegiate Development respects and is committed to protecting your privacy. US Collegiate Development may collect personally identifiable information when you register for a US Collegiate clinic. Information that may help a camper in the recruiting process is shared with camp participating-coaches based on the mission statement of US Collegiate Development.


Any camper with special dietary needs should email those details to

USCD sports medicine staff provide an ample supply of water at all US Collegiate sessions. However, we strongly encourage all campers to bring a water bottle or thermos (with their name on it) to camp that can be filled and carried out to the fields.


Campers will be supervised by camp staff throughout their stay.

Students will be responsible for their behavior and are committed to the mission of US Collegiate Development.  US Collegiate Development reserves the right to send any camper home without refund if found to be uncooperative or detrimental to the camp for any reason.

Tobacco, drugs and alcohol are strictly forbidden! Any player found in possession, or in any way involved in tobacco, drugs or alcohol will dismissed from camp immediately. All medications that are prescribed by a doctor must be registered with the trainer during check-in.

Athletic Training Coverage

Certified Athletic Trainers will be on site for the duration of the camp.  Access to training rooms for equipment and supplies is available and included in the cost.  The Dartmouth Mary Hitchcock Hospital is located ten minutes from the field for any serious medical needs. 

A camper's registration will not be considered complete until a personal health questionnaire is returned to US Collegiate Development. These are reviewed by our staff trainers prior to the start of the camp session. If there are any specific medical concerns that you think our staff should be aware of, we ask that you address them in writing at least one month prior to the camp. Our medical staff will also be present at all camp registrations to answer any questions that you may have. All medications that are prescribed by a doctor must be registered with the trainer during check-in.

USA Rugby Registration

All coaches and campers participating in US Collegiate Development camps who are domiciled in the United States must be registered with the governing body for rugby in the country, USA Rugby. If a camper is new to the sport or is an overseas registrant, s/he can register as an at-large participant. Details and registration here